frEDrums - Stand alone MIDI drum sound module and synthesizer for electronic drums

This Windows software is programmed by Fred Bolder. frEDrums works under Windows 7, but Windows 10 or Windows 11 is recommended. The free version has the following functionality: If frEDrums works good on your computer and with your drum set, you can buy it for only 10 euro to have the following extra functionality:
After receiving the payment, I will send the instructions by e-mail as soon as possible (normally within 24 hours). Once you have paid, the updates are for free.
Attention: Please let me know the email address where I can send the instructions.


Click on a picture to see it in full size.

frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot
frEDrums screenshot

Instructions to download the free version

If the Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime is not yet installed on your Windows computer, you need to download and install it.

frEDrums uses the Microsoft XNA Framework which you need to download and install.

Download and install frEDrums and download the manual.

Here you can read the Update log.

There are also instructional videos available.

Send an e-mail to for questions and/or feedback.

Take also a look at my free drum pattern software DR for Windows.